Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Doing “Nice” Does Us “Good”

Did you know that doing nice things for others boosts your serotonin levels?  You may not care about knowing what serotonin is?  But you should care about what raising your levels will do for you.  The result is a “do good – feel good high” 

To the experts who study, and understand the “science” behind the “feeling”, serotonin is pretty much the “happy hormone.”

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that gives us the feeling of satisfaction and well-being.  Most of the anti-depressant medications work by increasing the amount of serotonin available to your brain.  All of this means that doing nice things for other people changes your brain in ways that make you feel better.  Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and author of multiple books.

I spend a lot of time in airports, so it is not surprising that some of my best and worst experiences have come from that connected, yet so unconnected, and impersonal world.  

Walking into the women’s restroom, (not a place where conversation usually starts) I saw a mom struggling to change her kicking, screaming, flailing child.  There was also a three-year-old hanging on her leg.  She was on the verge of tears.  No.  She was in tears.  

I asked if I could help.

“I don’t suppose you have a diaper,” she replied with what was supposed to be a smile.

My son is grown.  So no, I did not have a diaper.  Her 3 year old kept tripping on the paper towels he had wound around his feet, and I leaned down to untangle him.  That was a mistake.  He was now free!  He bolted from the restroom and I ran after him.  I returned the 3 year old and told Mom to hang on, that I would find a diaper.  (Yes, I would have started asking moms with babies if they had a spare, if I had not found one in a gift shop.) 

Diapers in hand I returned to Mom.  While she changed the baby, I held out my arms to the 3 year old and told him I would help him wash his hands.  We were old friends by now.  Washed and dried I offered to hold the baby, while Mom did the same.  

Wow!  The baby!  I love babies.  Mom washed her hands and then hugged me.  Then the 3 year old hugged me.  I zoomed to my plane, high on the serotonin created by this simple act of helping a Mom. 

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