Embolden Your Extraordinary

Say “Yes” To Your Extraordinary

There is one thing, or perhaps many, that you can do better than anyone else.  Really.  It does not need to be huge, to have a HUGE impact on yourself and others.  Take a risk on yourself. 

Let your extraordinary out of the box!  Ignore the inner sound track that has been looping through all our minds since we were kids.  You know the lyrics, “Do this – don’t do that.” 

Our little, “written and recorded, just for us “ditty”, played loudly. 

Its insistent,  repetition  overwhelmed us, back when we were supposed to be learning about the wonders of the world.

We should have been creating our own melody - back when we were “free range children”, refusing to  be totally programmed by society, and certainly, our parents.   
Most of us listened too well.  We packed up our curiosity, our dreams, our passions, our internal melody, and stuffed them all into a box.  To make sure they did not get out – we used heavy-duty strapping tape and labeled the box before shoving it in the garage.
Go on!  Find the box.  Pull it out and rip off the tape.  It will not hurt a bit.  Pull back the flaps on the box and dig in.  Find yourself, and enable your Extraordinary.  Release your free-range child, and let her sing her own song!